About Us

What is School Council?

Regal Road School Council is a group of volunteer parents/caregivers who meet regularly with school admin, teacher representatives and the broader school community to support student achievement, mental & physical well‐being, and equity. We host free school‐wide events to build community and plan fundraising activities that help support curricular and extracurricular initiatives.

Meetings are open to everyone and are a great opportunity to ask questions and contribute ideas.  Meetings are either held in-person with a Zoom option (hybrid) or virtual-only depending on the date.  Check out our calendar for more details.

How does School Council support the school?

∙ Information & Knowledge Sharing. The TDSB and our school can sometimes be difficult to navigate, especially for those new to our community. On the first day of school, School Council volunteers were on‐site to answer questions and give directions where needed. We also regularly share updates on TDSB and Regal Road policies, important dates to remember, etc.

∙ Equity. Anti‐Racism & Anti‐Oppression have become major TDSB focus areas and continue to be a high priority for School Council. School Council has embarked on initiatives such as School Improvement Planning with Alexis Dawson, Indigenous workshops with Green Thumbelina and Truth & Reconciliation efforts.

∙ Events. We organize a variety of events each year to build community for our kids. Last year this included the reintroduction of our popular Spring Fair and pizza lunch! In the past we have also held special fundraisers such as the Eco Swap & Sale. During COVID we have also hosted virtual events including a family games night and an epic end-of-year dance party.

∙ Advocacy. We regularly communicate with elected officials at every level to advocate for improvements to health and well-being, traffic/pedestrian safety, and more investment in public education. Members of School Council have taken initiative to create Facebook pages Regal Road Public School Parent Network, Queer and Trans Families of Regal Road, and Support Group for IEP at Regal Road to further support our school community.

∙ Outdoor Education. We support teachers in building and using our outdoor space as much as possible and including usage of our garden spaces.

2023/2024 School Council Elected Members

The School Council Executive Team is made up of the following positions:

Co-Chairs: Sonali Chakraborti & Jennifer Grinfeld
Treasurer: Victoria Wojcik
Secretary: Cat Gallienne

General Members were elected on September 27, 2023 and are as follows:

Carla Black, Von Burke, Sonali Chakraborti, Lindsay Cooper, Nicole Dole, Jyoti Gadhia, Cat Gallienne, Jennifer Grinfeld, Al Kratina, Laura Lewis-Watts, Shanna Lino, Katrina Matheson, Adam Miller, Alison Norman, Sharm Patel, Paul Sawtell, Jenny Scott, Lynn Sibley, Lindsay Thompson, Melissa Williamson, Lisa Willis, Victoria Wojcik

To contact us, please email: regalroadsc@gmail.com

Contact Information for Regal and the TDSB

Regal Road Junior Public School: 416-393-1390 or regal@tdsb.on.ca

Erika Lloyd, Principal: 416-393-1390 or erika.lloyd@tdsb.on.ca

Melanie Wolfe, Vice Principal: 416-393-1390 or melanie.wolfe@tdsb.on.ca

Erin Altosaar, Superintendent: 416-396-9188 or erin.altosaar@tdsb.on.ca

Alexis Dawson, School Trustee: 416-395-8787 or alexis.dawson@tdsb.on.ca

Ascot Daycare: 416-653-7760 or aac@bellnet.ca